Women’s History Highlight: Shohreh Davoodi

By Rebecca Lyon It took me forever to start writing this. I was really never meant to be a writer, and I’ll be honest, that made me drag my feet on starting this post. One evening, after a particularly grueling work day, I was decompressing with Baby Yoda memes and adorable pet photos when a post came on my [...]

2020-06-03T12:16:51-05:00March 27th, 2020|Business Entity Selection/Formation, Our Firm|

Women’s History Highlight: Taylor Swift

By: Katie Rinkus   For our fourth Women’s History Spotlight, we’re turning to the one, the only, Miss Americana herself: Taylor Swift. Love her or hate her (I love her, obviously), Taylor is one of the most influential musicians and songwriters of our generation. In addition to her musical gifts, Swift has also proven herself a savvy and thoughtful [...]

Women’s History Highlight: Barbara Corcoran

By Chase Stewart   Picking a favorite woman in business is a daunting task. I had a really difficult time narrowing my choices down to five favorites, let alone one! Before we get to it, let me give a shoutout to my favorite non-celebrity woman in business: my wife Kayla. Kayla is a Regional Vice President of Sales at [...]

2020-06-03T14:34:21-05:00March 13th, 2020|Our Firm, Small Business Law, Startups|

Women’s History Highlight: Rihanna

By: Catie Eubanks   As a member of the #RihannaNavy and diehard stan, I HAD to choose Rihanna as my favorite woman in business as part of March blog series. As Michelle said in her intro blog, we are not discussing tabloid fodder or criticism of Rihanna for past actions or experiences. This post is about putting our hands [...]

Women’s History Highlight: Bethenny Frankel & Dolly Parton

By: Michelle Green   Confession: I have loved People magazine and articles about celebrities ever since reading my mom’s subscription when I was little. Celebrity “news” is still my go-to procrastination tool. Now that I’m a business attorney, my guilty pleasure comes with a dash of professional curiosity. I notice, and even look for, celebrities who are also savvy [...]

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