Women’s History Highlight: Bethenny Frankel & Dolly Parton

By: Michelle Green   Confession: I have loved People magazine and articles about celebrities ever since reading my mom’s subscription when I was little. Celebrity “news” is still my go-to procrastination tool. Now that I’m a business attorney, my guilty pleasure comes with a dash of professional curiosity. I notice, and even look for, celebrities who are also savvy [...]

Women’s History Highlight: Our Biz-spirations

March is Women’s History Month, presenting G & G Law, LLC with a perfect opportunity to celebrate the legal maneuverings of some bad-ass entrepreneurs. Shall we call them Lady Bosses? Femmepreneurs? She-E-O? Boss Ladies? Boss Babe? #girlboss? Do I see some mommy-preneurs out there? Are you #empowered yet? Memes like this can come across as patronizing, but it's [...]

Illinois Secretary of State Struggles with Serious Slowdown

It’s been a couple of months since you submitted your LLC, applied for a DBA, or filed to dissolve or merge your business. You still haven’t heard back, and you’re left wondering “Dude, where’s my business?” You aren’t alone! Struck with a sudden slew of submissions, the Illinois Secretary of State Business Division is seriously behind in their filings. [...]

New Laws for Businesses in 2020

With the holidays behind us, it’s time to get back to business and, with the turning of the calendar, your policies and processes might need to be updated to match changes in the law. The Illinois legislature passed several laws last year, effective on January 1, which affect small businesses. Here are some of the most relevant changes: The [...]

High Hopes for Cannabis in Illinois

With recreational marijuana on the cusp of legalization, businesses across Illinois could see a vast marketplace suddenly accessible. A recreational marijuana legalization bill was recently introduced in the Illinois legislature. The proposed bill puts small businesses in an especially advantageous position, promoting “craft growers” and banning large-scale operations. Without a corporate presence dominating the field, local cultivators and retailers [...]

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