Illinois Secretary of State Struggles with Serious Slowdown

It’s been a couple of months since you submitted your LLC, applied for a DBA, or filed to dissolve or merge your business. You still haven’t heard back, and you’re left wondering “Dude, where’s my business?” You aren’t alone! Struck with a sudden slew of submissions, the Illinois Secretary of State Business Division is seriously behind in their filings. [...]

Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) Phone Numbers for Unemployment Issues

Do you have an issue with an employee who is claiming unemployment insurance benefits, but when you call the IDES local office, you inevitably end up stuck in the automated phone system maze? Do you just want to speak with a human who can help you with your questions? Don't worry. We have experience with the IDES, and have [...]

2020-06-23T15:52:49-05:00May 23rd, 2012|Small Business Law|
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