S Corp Taxes In Illinois (SB 2351)

S-Corp taxes recently changed in Illinois. The state legislature recently passed SB 2351, a corporate tax reform law, that has significant ramifications for S-Corporations (“S-Corps”). Before diving into the law and why it matters, we should cover some background information. What Is An S-Corp? An S-Corp is a sub-type of the classic corporate entity structure, often referred to as [...]

S Corp: Is It Right For Me?

S Corps may seem complex, but they are actually a quite simple tax designation. Not all small businesses will benefit from an S-Corp designation, and the decision to file as one is very individualized. If filing as an S Corp is right for your company, it is not a complicated process; just follow the timeline! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfQ9MHXHo-s [...]

COVID-19 Employer Questions: Unemployment Expansion

Disclaimer: We are not experts in health or policy and make no guarantees as to the accuracy or timeliness of the details on this page. This page is for informational purposes only. See our full COVID-19 disclaimer for more. If your business has hit trouble because of the pandemic and you need guidance, the attorneys at G & G [...]

2020-06-03T12:33:59-05:00April 13th, 2020|Employers, Employment Issues, Small Business Law|
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